About _52Card.

ShiftWise 52 card Application

Author James Sullivan, 503-828-1070

This _52Card application;
UI: JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap, Responsive
Server: MVC, WebApi, MEF Dependency Injection
Backend: Three possibilities
Bridge List in the repository(Debug build)
SQL Server (LocalDb)\v11.0 (DebugSQL2012 build)
SQl Server (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB (DebugSQL2014 build)
Testing: Visual Studio Test Explorer, 14 Unit tests, 4 Integration Tests

The application can be accessed at http://pswsweb.com/
The deployed App http://pswsweb.com/ is responsive
It can also be used on your tablet or smart phone.

The Sort method uses a Bridge card order.
The Shuffle routine guarantees no cards, in ascending order, sequences.

The application is built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
The application Solution Shiftwise._52cards.sln contains 10 Visual Studio projects
Each project's responsibility was guided by the Separation of Concerns (SOC) principles.
This application source code is available at: https://github.com/psws/_52Cards
Download the _52Cards project
Open Visual Studio with the Shiftwise._52cards.sln file
It may take some time for all of the nuget packages to be retrieved for the solution.
This retrieval is automatic

When the solution is finished loading you may need to set the startup project In the vs2013 Solution Explorer View:

right click the top Solution 'Shiftwise._52cards' folder
Select the menu dropdown Set Startup projects/
Set the dialog radio button for Single startup project
Select Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.App project in the dropdown
Build the Debug version of the Solution
Run the application locally on Localhost in VS2013
The browser window will appear running the UI client code.

Using a SQL database:
The solution directly supports 2 SQL servers.
One of these test SQL Severs is usually installed when you install a Visual Studio version.
Pick a SQL Server from the list below.
Run the specified Update-Database command once, in the Visual Studio Package Manager
More info on this command is available in the Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.DataModel project
Look in the Update-Database.txt file, in the App_Notes directory
Visual Studio 2012, 2010 (LocalDb)\v11.0 Server
Set the build Configuration to DebugSQL2012 and run
Update-Database -Force -ProjectName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.DataModel -StartupProjectName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.App -ConfigurationTypeName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.DataModel.Migrations.Cards52DB.Configuration -Verbose -ConnectionStringName "_52CardSQLExpress2012"
Visual Studio 2013 (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB Server
Set the build configuration to DebugSQL2014 and run:
Update-Database -Force -ProjectName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.DataModel -StartupProjectName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.App -ConfigurationTypeName Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.DataModel.Migrations.Cards52DB.Configuration -Verbose -ConnectionStringName "_52CardSQLExpress2014"
Other SQL Server
You will need to change one of the Connection string's DataSource in 2 places:
Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.App, Web.config file, for the app to run.
Shiftwise._52cards.mvc.App.Tests, App.config, for the Tests to run
Select the build configuration for the connection string you changed

Perform the following steps to run the tests in Visual Studio.
Go to the top level TEST Menu, Select Windows then Select Test Explorer
The Test Explorer should show the 18 Tests, if the solution Build was successful
Select Run All and all 18 tests will run.